Welcome to our Media Studies Blog. This blog will keep track of our progress though out our project. Breif: To create a promotion package for the realease of an album,to Include a music video, together with One of the following: > A website home page for the band. > A cover for the realease of the album ( digi pack) > A magazine Advert. We have decided to choose the magazine advert to go with our music video because, we already have an understanding of magazine covers as we created some for our AS level media studies. We will also aim to give our blog an individual twist making it Exciting to look at. Here is an example of Our magazine covers from AS.
We have decided to make a video in the style of a parody, similar to a few popular music videos such as "Choices" by The Hoosiers and Intergalactic by The Beastie Boys. The genre of music we are going to be making a video for is an Alternative Indie Rock group. Although The Beastie Boys are not in this genre we believe analysing this video will be beneficial as it is one of the best music video parodies.
We Have now decided not to make a parody as this would be an all or nothing process. If we made a unfunny parody this would be worse than making a video with a serious narrative. So we are now going to create a video with a meaning behind it.
This new narrative will go well with the uncopyright band we have found 'The Amber Herd' who are an upcoming band from Nottingham/Chesterfield who have an alternative/emotional rock sound and a growing fan base even playing in session on 'The Beat' at the BBC. We are delighted to be working with them. As well as agreeing to let us use their song 'Stage Fright' they have also given us the opportunity of filming them at their band practice which we have accepted and are looking forward to.
THE PRELIMINARY TASK Martha's Brief I think it is important that we make the most of our preliminary task by using as many different techniques and camera shots are we can to build on our knowledge of making films. Also the film will be more interesting if we give it a theme, for example the person in the room could be a monster or the door could lead to a secret garden to add more interest. I like the idea of the supernatural and possibly a parody of something like the devil. Final Idea To appeal to a mainstream audience we are manipulating 'Left for Dead' and 'ZombieLand' stereotypes and making a short zombie horror which is so popular in the media at the moment. Choosing the supernatural theme will make our video stand out as it is more dramatic and exciting than just a simple idea. We will use media coventions of a horror movie and high contrast images. The zombie will be dramatised by slow-motion and high contrast enforced by a blood stained t-shirt and zombie-like movement. George English and myself-Martha Williams will act within the short film. Having the oppertunity to act gives me the chance to get the shot I want as I can act with a knowledge of the camera; however George also acting gives me the oppertunity to also film somebody else. Josh Drake is responsible for all filming which I act in. Costume and Location We are lucky enough to be based in a school- the classic film location. I think we will use this to our advantage as it is also good for moving the camera's and the cast. Below is an edited shot of the way we wish to portray the school. For the costume we will have a zombie survivor and a zombie, therefore lots of ripped clothes and fake blood.
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