Wednesday, 17 November 2010

Martha's Digipak Front Cover Analysis



The image is representative of a to very different landscapes- a city scape and a countryside image. It is ambiguous in it’s meaning but this also makes it intriguing. The genre of the band is rock and we can see this through the conventions of the colours red, black and white combined with the untidy background.


The Cover creates a cool, modern image for the band and it’s use of graphics sets it apart from the crowd.


Alternative rock the same as The Amber Herd.


Aimed at an alternative rock fans, both male and female probably, fairly broad age range but a niche market for music which isn't mainstream and is different and emotive.

Tuesday, 16 November 2010

Martha's Themes

To keep continuity within 'The Amber Herd' as a product I think we should use a theme to bring the video, magazine and digipak together. As we have the colour 'amber' in the name and the video is filmed in autumn, we could use greys and leaves to create an autumn, 'amber' theme in our final outcomes.

Below are some pictures i took on my cousins high-tech camera while on a walk, despite these images being caught my chance, and the sky being probably too bright and blue for our look (although editing could change this through editing like the bottom image). I think they work well and this could be a good thing to include in our work.

The last photo is an edit and might be more suitable for the duller, bleaker, british autumn theme which would fit in with the rock genre. I am considering including some of these images in our digipak.

I have looked at this front cover.

Sunday, 14 November 2010

Martha's Logo Development

I have taken the logo design and modernised it using the font i experimented with earlier. As a horse is a traditional symbol it is important we make it look as up to date as possible. I think the orange and black work well together as they stand out. A good way to make a feel of continuation between all out products would be to stick to this colour scheme. The first two images are much more attention grabbing and i think the middle image is the most effective and the simplicity only two colours works well.

By Martha Williams

Thursday, 4 November 2010

Martha's Risk assessment, shooting schedule & Josh's Ideas

After creating a risk assessment we assembled the cast and crew and have had a very successful day practicing with what shots to use and experimenting with camera angles as the weather today was perfect for the tone of our video. We still will have to film The Amber Herd separately at one of their band practices.

High angle shot of Martha and Tom running from top of the stairs
Level shot of Martha and Tom running off stairs
Full shot of Tom and Martha arguing
Over Tom’s shoulder shot
Over Martha’s shoulder shot
Over Tom’s shoulder shot
Over Martha’s shoulder shot
Martha hands opening door
Martha opening door shot from outside door
Martha walking away
Side on feet walking shot Martha
Side on feet walking shot Tom

(almost all walking shots will be shot as walking away from camera and then walking back to give us a larger range of shots to choose from)
Shot of Martha walking across bridge
Shot of Tom walking past shops
Shot of legs walking towards camera Martha
Shot of legs walking towards camera Martha
Shot of Tom walking through street
Shot of Martha walking through street
Side on leg shots Martha
Side on leg shots Tom
Tom on phone shot
Close up of Tom on phone shot
Extreme close up of Tom’s eyes
Martha walking through park full body
Martha walking through park part body
Martha walking through park high angle leg shot from floor
Shot of Martha sitting on bench
Shot of Martha sitting on bench back of head
Shot of Tom and Martha
Shot of Martha flowers come into shot
Extreme close up Martha face
Shot of hand hanging up phone
Location shots

Long shot of Martha and Tom
Close up of flowers

High angle shots of leaves
Zoom in and out on leaves

By Joshua Drake and Martha Williams

Wednesday, 3 November 2010

Josh's Story Board Video

I have been working on getting the story board finished and onto YouTube so that we can start shooting our video as soon as we have the cast assembled. The video was created by hand drawings, that were then outlined and put into a YouTube video.

This is a shot by shot schedule to demonstrate exactly how we plan to film. This will prove as a useful tool for creating a shot list and planning our video, even when editing.

By Joshua Drake

Josh's Analysis

We have changed a few factors of our video since our brief. We have gone for a much more direct love story, this will give us the freedom to display our ability with camera shots in a way that we wouldn't have been able to do with an overly complicated video. I have done another analysis that is much much closer to what we are aiming for in our video. Unfortunately the video has had the ability to embed it disabled so you may have to follow the link.

My analysis doesn't sync up with the video so it is best to view the video first, listen to my analysis and then perhaps watch the video again.

By Joshua Drake

Josh's Logo Development

Once the picture for the logo was finished I proceeded with setting out the text for it. We had previously decided on a cool but not flash text as it would fit the style of the band's music. I applied this text in different positions and explained my opinions on them in the picture to the left.

I am very happy with the final product so here is The Amber Herd's logo!

By Joshua Drake

Josh's Logo Development

I am not a very good artist so I looked through the internet at how to draw running horses and at pictures and drawings already done by others. This is the best of my attempts...

This was definitely not up to standards so I did plan to edit it in PhotoShop, but it was quite hard to see the lines of the horse clearly. So I outlined my drawing and it made it much easier to use in PhotoShop. By clicking on the photo below, you can see my thought process when creating the image, in greater depth.

By Joshua Drake

Josh's Band Logo Research

I have been doing a lot of re search into band logos of a similar genre. I have put together a collage of their logos so it was easier to decide where to start when creating the logo four The Amber Herd.

I decided the best way to create a professional look for our logo would be to have something relevant to the name of the band but also keep it along the style and genre of their music. I have decided that the use of the silhouette of a horse can symbolise the Herd and then to use a simple but refined font displaying their name.

By Joshua Drake

Josh's Twitter

Rhythm Nation is now live on Twitter for updates around the clock! To keep up with the Nation and everything were doing follow us on twitter! This will include filming updates, video progress and more!!!!/RhythmNation2

These are also some location shots we are considering using in our music video for the narative side!

I think they have a good urban feel which is what we are aiming for throughout the narative side of the video.

By Joshua Drake

Tuesday, 2 November 2010

Martha: The Cast & Initial Shot Ideas

The Cast: We have a small cast of two (apart from the band) as this allows us to develop the characters further and and make the plot simple and easy to follow. Tom Galbraith will play the boy, he has the right kind of look for this piece. I will play the girl as this gives me a chance to get exactly the shot i want as i will be the person acting within it, also i have acting experience, however as my part isn't too large i shall also have the opportunity to film.

Now that we have the cast it is easier to look at which kind of shots we think would work for Tom and myself as actors within the play.

Monday, 1 November 2010

Josh's Magazine Research

We have chosen to make a magaizine as part of our project.

In this 'NME' Magazine we can see the classic use of red, white and black which runs throughout the rock genre. The writing is bold, in capitals and contrasts with the dark background. The main subject is dressed in the stereotypical black leather and dark clothes, pictured playing a guitar, which although acoustic is slightly obscured by the headings to look at first look like an electric giutar which is more common for the rock genre. The white glow behind him suggests a gig or crowd and gives the subject a situation- something alien to most women's glamourous magazines. The centred writing is set at angles, this helps keep up the rock'n'roll image, making it different. The two smaller superimposed images are also set at angles and the blue picture of Pete Docterty contrasts well and sets off the blue. I think if Rhythm Nation stick to similar conventions in The Amber Herd's magazine (likely to be abbreviated to AH) we could create a very successful magazine cover.